our services

Tree Care Services

Comprehensive Tree Care in Hampton and the Kennebecasis Valley, NB and surrounding areas. We go above and beyond!

Tree Pruning & Maintenance

Pruning of trees is the most common tree care practice in urban areas. It is required to maintain safety, improve structure, attain certain goals and helps with the general health of the tree. A tree properly cared for will live a longer and healthier life and be less expensive long term than a tree with bad structure full of dead wood and decay.

Proper tree pruning and maintenance are essential for the health, safety, and beauty of your trees.

We specialize in:

Crown thinning: Improves light penetration and air circulation
Crown raising: Removes lower branches for clearance
Crown reduction: Reduces the overall size of the crown
Deadwooding: Removes dead or diseased branches
Vista pruning: Improves views by selectively removing branches
Regular maintenance: Ensures your trees thrive year-round

We tailor our pruning techniques to the specific needs of each tree species and your landscape goals.

Cabling & Bracing

We offer the installation of supplemental tree support system. After a proper inspection of the tree, it may be determined that installing support hardware is a good option. Even though cabling and bracing a tree does not eliminate the hazard, it can reduce the risk of failure to an acceptable level.

Cabling and bracing are proactive measures to support structurally weak trees. Our certified arborists assess your trees and recommend solutions to prevent failure.

Cabling: Installs flexible steel cables to support heavy branches
Bracing: Uses rigid rods to strengthen weak unions or forks
Preventative maintenance: Regular inspections to monitor tree health

Invest in cabling and bracing to protect your trees and property from potential damage.

Tree Removal

We specialize in the removal of hazardous trees on your property either commercial or residential. Complex dismantling of trees is often required around houses and or buildings. Let our team tackle these tough jobs with confidence and expertise.

Sometimes, tree removal is the best option to protect your property and ensure safety. Our team has the experience and equipment to handle even the most complex removals.

Hazardous tree removal: Safely removes trees posing a risk
Dead or diseased tree removal: Prevents the spread of problems
Tree removal for construction: Clears space for new projects

We prioritize safety and efficiency, ensuring minimal disruption to your property.

Risk & Safety Assessments

Offering competent and thorough advice on the safety of individual tree. We visually inspect trees from ground level and also get right up into the canopy looking for defects not visible from the ground. We give recommendations following the inspection on how to properly care for the tree to ensure it is safe and healthy throughout its life.

Our comprehensive Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) helps you identify and address potential hazards on your property.

Thorough inspection: Assesses the health and structure of trees
Risk identification: Identifies potential hazards
Management recommendations: Provides solutions to mitigate risks

Protect your property and ensure safety with a professional tree risk assessment.

Chipping Service

Our chipping service transforms branches and brush into useful wood chips. Let us handle the chipping so you can reduce waste and save time and effort.

Chipped material options: Use chips for landscaping or mulch
Environmentally friendly: Reduces landfill waste

Let us handle the cleanup – it's the convenient and eco-conscious choice.

Other Projects

Don't see what you're looking for? We're here to help! Whether you need a tree assessment, custom pruning, or bucket truck assistance, our experienced team can tailor solutions to your specific needs. Contact us today for a personalized consultation.
get in touch

Reach out today to discuss any concerns you may have with any trees on your property.
